# Note to translators: Do not translate items inclosed in percent signs. i.e., %LINK%
febe.help_01.text1=If this item is checked, FEBE will create the backups in a subdirectory of the 'Backup destination directory' in a timestamp format.
febe.help_01.text2=There are two 'flavors' of timestamps: ISO8601 ('FEBE YYYY MM-DD hh.mm.ss') and European ('FEBE YYYY DD.MM hh.mm.ss')where 'YYYYMMDDhhmmss' represents the year, month, day, hour, minute,and second the backup was created. If you change the timestamp flavor, FEBE will rename any existing folders to match the selection.
febe.help_02.text1=Ha ezt választja, a FEBE megpróbálja kitörölni a mentés célkönyvtárának tartalmát. Biztonság kedvéért az esetleges alkönyvtárakat nem törli.
febe.help_03.text1=Ha kiválasztja, a FEBE menteni fogja az elemet.
febe.help_03.text2=Ha a mentés típusa "Teljes profil", ezek az opciók nem elérhetők.
febe.help_03.text3=Ha a mentés típusa 'Kiválasztott', azok az elemek, amelyekhez nem tartozik adat, nem elérhetők.
febe.help_04.text1=Válassza ki az alapértelmezett mentés típusát. A 'Kiválasztott' mentés a választott elemeket fogja menteni, a 'Teljes profil' az egész aktuális profilt menti egyetlen fájlba.
febe.help_04.text2=Megj.: a 'Teljes profil' mentés, bár mindent tartalmaz, nem teszi lehetővé az elemek egyenkénti visszaállítását. Például a teljes profil mentésből nem lehet csak a könyvjelzőket visszaállítani, ehhez egy 'Kiválasztott' mentésnek kell lenni.
febe.help_04.text3=Note: 'User-defined backups' are NOT included in a full profile backup.
febe.help_05.text1=Profile backups may only be restored to a pre-existing profile directory other than the current (active) profile. If you need to create a new profile to restore into, see: %LINK%
# Note to translators: The following line will contain colored text. The color name (in lower case) should be translated but the uppercase names btween %'s should not.
febe.help_05.text2=Items listed in %GREEN%green%/GREEN% are located in the default directory, %PURPLE%purple%/PURPLE% in a non-default. %RED%Red%/RED% indicates an invalid directory.
febe.help_05.text3=Hovering over an item will display the profile location.
febe.help_06.text1=Ha ez ki van választva, a FEBE a letiltott kiegészítőket nem menti.
febe.help_07.text1=If checked, FEBE will play sounds when displaying the results page to indicate various actions.
febe.help_07.text2=Sikeres mentés
febe.help_07.text3=A mentés befejeződött, de történtek hibák
febe.help_07.text4=Időzített mentés fog indulni egy percen belül
febe.help_07.text5=Figyelmeztető üzenet jelenik meg
febe.help_07.text11=To change the sounds FEBE uses, simply replace the appropriate .wav files. (You will need an archive editing utility like %7zip% to edit the febe.jar file.)
febe.help_08.text1=When checked, FEBE will wait until a backup file is created for each item. If Firefox displays a 'Script is busy' message when attempting to back up an extension, theme, or optional item, it is a good indication that that portion of the backup failed. If this happens, uncheck this option and run 'Verify extension directory' in FEBE Options > Debug to determine which backup item is failing.
febe.help_09.text1=A FEBE háromféle állapotsor ikont használ az időzített mentés jelzésére. Vigye az egeret az ikon fölé, hogy megtudja a következő időzített mentés idejét.
febe.help_09.text2=Azt jelzi, hogy van mentés időzítve.
febe.help_09.text3=Azt jelzi, hogy nincs mentés időzítve.
febe.help_09.text4=Egy perces figyelmeztetés. Azt jelzi, hogy egy percen belül időzített mentés fog elkezdődni. Ha ez a villogó ikon megjelenik, függessze fel a munkát. Nem szükséges bezárni a böngészőfüleket, csak ne csináljon olyat, ami a mentendő elemeket megváltoztatni, például könyvjelzők módosítása, kiegészítők/témák telepítése, kiegészítők beállításai, stb.
febe.help_09.text5=Az opció bejelölése eltünteti az ikont az állapotsorról, de ez nem befolyásolja az időzített mentést.
febe.help_09.text6=If more than one window is open, the statusbar icon will only appear in one "controlling" window. This controlling window is the only one that can initiate a scheduled backup. If the controlling window is closed, FEBE will assign control to another open window.
febe.help_10.text1=Automatikus időzített mentés beállítása. Választhat napi, heti vagy havi rendszeresség közül. A pontos idő 24 órás beosztás szerint számolódik, ahol 00:00 az éjfél, öt perces időközök választhatók.
febe.help_10.text2=Megjegyzés: néhány téma rosszul jelenítheti meg a legördülő menüt (üresen). Egyszerűen méretezze át az ablakot, hogy kiférjen.
febe.help_11.text1=Many items in FEBE/CLEO windows contain built-in information files. The files are accessed by clicking the information icon next to the item label. The icon is blue with a letter 'i' which turns red when the mouse hovers over it.
febe.help_11.text3=Checking this box will hide these icons.
febe.help_13.text1=This button will remove all FEBE preferences and reset them to defaults. This should only been done if the preferences become hopelessly confused or when upgrading to a new version of FEBE. Firefox will restart after the preferences are reset. The backup destination directory and other necessary preferences will have to be re-entered in options.
febe.help_14.text1=Checking this option will display a popup progress window during the backup. Note: It is normal for the progress bar to appear to 'freeze' during a backup.
febe.help_15.text1=FEBE will create a comprehensive report when the backup is completed. The report will appear in a new tab in the current window.
febe.help_16.text1=Enter the maximum number of timestamped directories that FEBE will keep. Older directories will be deleted. Enter zero to keep all directories.
febe.help_17.text1=Sometimes it might be convenient to have an installable version of FEBE in the same location as the backups. For instance, if restoring a profile to a new instance of Firefox.
febe.help_18.text1=If the 'Clear destination directory' option is checked, this option will generate a warning before anything is deleted. You will have the option of aborting before the backup continues.
febe.help_19.text1=FEBE sets this flag whenever a backup starts. It should clear it when the backup has completed. If a backup is aborted or an error occurs, this flag may not get cleared. Pressing this button will manually clear the flag. If the button is disabled, the flag is already off.
febe.help_21.text1=FEBE can optionally backup/restore any Firefox (or virtually any other application) data files. Use the buttons near the top of the window to select a function (New, Edit, Delete).
febe.help_21.text2=Label: Enter a short name for the backup. This name will appear on the results page. Example: 'Foo data'
febe.help_21.text3=Description: This more clearly defines the backup. Example: 'Foo version 1.0 user data information'.
febe.help_21.text4=Source: Use the browse button to select the path to the file or directory to backup.
febe.help_21.text5=Include in backup: Check the box to include this item in the backup.
febe.help_21.text6=Submit button: This will enter the item into the queue. It is not actually written to disk until the 'Post' button is clicked.
febe.help_21.text7=Post entries and exit button: Clicking this button will write the items to disk and exit.
febe.help_21.text8=Cancel button: Abort this session. Data is not written to disk.
febe.help_21.text9=Note: User-defined backups can only be restored to their original location.
febe.help_21.text10=Note: User-defined backups are NOT included in a 'Full profile' backup -- Only in a 'Selective' backup.
febe.help_22.text1=If a backup has not been performed after a certain number of days, FEBE will remind you when Firefox starts. Set this number to zero if no reminder is wanted.
febe.help_27.text1=Enter the folder where FEBE will create the backups. This can be a physical drive, USB stick, networked folder, etc. Generally speaking, if you can browse to the folder (using the 'Browse...' button) FEBE should be able to use it.
febe.help_28.text1=Quick Backup allows you create a backup of selected extensions and/or themes. This can be helpful if you need to extract just one or a few extensions without having to perform a regular backup containing unwanted items. You can specify a destination folder that is separate from the normal FEBE backup destination directory.
febe.help_28.text2=The Quick Backup folder is not affected by the timestamp option. Nor does the backup alter the stored last backup date, or last backup folder.
febe.help_28.text3=Items listed in blue are active extensions, green are themes, grey means disabled, and red indicates incompatible items.
febe.help_29.text1=FEBE 6.0 has the ability to store your backups online using Box.net.
febe.help_29.text2=Box.net offers different plans for online storage including a free 1GB option. This option should be sufficient for most FEBE users. There is, however, a maximum size limit of 10mb for each individual file. If your full profile backup is greater than 10mb in size, it cannot be uploaded to the free account. Other individual backup items (such as bookmarks, cookies, passwords, extensions and themes) are nearly always less than 10mb and should upload without problems.
febe.help_29.text3=Box.net premium accounts start at $25.00 US per year for a 2GB storage space with no limitations on upload size. A free 14 day trial is available for all plans.
febe.help_29.text4=Ha az alábbi hivatkozással regisztrál, a befizetett összeg egy részét a FEBE fejlesztésére fogják fordítani.
febe.help_30.text1=Use this function to determine if your installed extension/themes are valid. If any are determined to be invalid, an option to have FEBE try to fix the problem will be offered.
febe.help_30.text2=The 'Lenient' mode will allow otherwise valid extensions that use a malformed email address ID.
febe.help_31.text1=If checked, a copy of the backup results report will be saved as 'Results - FEBE (timestamp)' in the backup destination directory. Note that the extension/theme icons may not appear when the saved report is viewed. This is due to Firefox chrome restrictions.
febe.help_32.text1=If checked, extensions installed globally will be included in the backup. If this item is disabled, you have no global extensions or themes installed.
febe.help_32.text2=Global extensions are those that, once installed, are available to all profiles.
febe.help_32.text3=Note: The default Firefox theme is installed globally but is not included in the backup.
febe.help_33.text1=FEBE can automatically perform a backup when Firefox first starts or when it shuts down.
febe.help_33.text2=Note: Backup on shutdown happens only when the browser quits, not when a restart is performed.
febe.help_34.text1=FEBE periodically checks to see if the last scheduled backup was actually performed. If it was not performed, an alert will be displayed. Checking this box will prevent the alert from appearing.
febe.help_35.text1=Some platforms (Mac in particular) may hide certain slider message alerts. If you are unable to properly view sliders, choose 'Standard'.
febe.help_36.text1=FEBE can create a new profile for you to restore into. The new profile will be created in the default Firefox profile directory.
febe.help_36.text2=A new profile can be created in the default directory by clicking the "Create new profile" button.
febe.help_36.text3=To start Firefox using the new profile, select the appropiate item in the "Restored profile start-up options".
febe.help_37.text1=After restoring a new profile, you may use one of the start-up options listed here. Note that these options apply only to a fresh start of Firefox (not merely a "restart". Firefox must be completely closed and re-opened).
febe.help_37.text2=Using the "Use profile manager" option will force the display of the built-in Firefox profile manager window. This window will appear every time Forifox is started unless and until you check the "Don't ask at startup" box in that window.
febe.help_37.text3=If FEBE does not ask you to automatically start the other profile, you need to set the 'Full path to Firefox executable' text in FEBE Options > Misc.
febe.help_38.text1=This is the full path to the Firefox program. In Windows, this is almost always 'firefox.exe', Mac 'firefox.app', and 'firefox' or 'firefox.sh' for most Linux distros. FEBE will try to ascertain the folder for you. If the field is blank, FEBE is unsure where the program resides.
febe.help_38.text2=This value is used in the FEBE full profile restore function to determine how to restart Firefox if asked.
febe.help_38.text3=On Mac platforms, the path cannot be verified executable, but will still be saved (Bugzilla bug 322865)
febe.help_39.text1=This is the directory where the FEBE backups will be stored on Box.net. If you use more than one Firefox profile, can keep the online backups separate by assigning different root directories.
febe.help_99.text1=Megjegyzés: a FEBE nem tudja visszaállítani az aktív (használatban levő) profilt
febe.help_99.text2=Mivel csak egy profil létezik, a FEBE nem tudja visszaállítani saját magába. Kézzel kell elvégezni a műveletet.
febe.help_99.text3=Részletes segítséget talál, ha megnézi
febe.help_99.text4=ezt a bejegyzést
febe.help_99.text5=a FEBE f├│rumban.
febe.help_40.text1=If checked, the online backups will be saved in a timestamped directory off the Box.net backup root directory.
febe.help_40.text2=The format of the timestamp will be the same as selected in the FEBE Options Directory pane.